The Success Rockets Blog

Information to Build The Career and Life You Want and Deserve

Increase Sales Success: Review of Go-Givers Sell More by Burg & Mann books sales Aug 30, 2010

Will Go-Givers Sell More by Bob Burg and John David Mann be worth adding to your Personal Success Library? 

Yes, I believe it will, so please read on to learn why and decide for yourself. To learn more about what a Go-Giver is, read their first book and also our...

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Customer Loyalty: It Starts With You Helping Others to Succeed leadership development sales Feb 02, 2010

Most people and businesses think about customer loyal as having customers who are loyal to the business or employees being loyal to the company. This is much the way we think about loyalty in general:

Loyalty is something someone else gives to me because they like me.

Think about that for a...

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Success through Giving: The Go-Giver personal development sales Jul 20, 2009

How do you bring more success into your life by giving more? To answer this question we can look to the work of Bob Burg and John David Mann who developed the concept of The Go-Giver. So what is a “Go-Giver”? Let’s start with a similar term we all know, the “Go...

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Customer Loyalty-Do You Have It Backwards? leadership development sales soft skills Jul 10, 2009

What is customer loyalty? In talking with a number of people, I’ve heard variations on the same answer:

The customer is loyal when they keep coming back to your business.

What do you think? Does that sound right?

Jim Cathcart, iLearningGlobal faculty member, got me to thinking “What...

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Customer Service: Magical Moments leadership development sales soft skills Jun 09, 2009

Great customer service is the key to customer loyal and an ongoing business relationship. Since we’re all customers at some point during our day, we know an appreciate what it is to be on the receiving end of great customer service. Think about the last time you received great customer...

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Improving Customer Service & Loyalty: Lessons from Shep Hyken leadership development personal development sales May 18, 2009

On Saturday, May 16 2009, iLearningGlobal Faculty member and Hall of Fame Presenter Shep Hyken gave members of iLearningGlobal a 35 minute presentation on Customer Service and Loyalty. 

In his presentation, Mr. Hyken suggested that the goal of any company should be to...

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